Painter, Guillaume Seff was born in Toulouse (France) in 1977. In 1997, he moved to Montreal (Canada) and resides there for over 10 years. He now works and lives in Toulouse.
His work has spread across the globe, as exhibits in USA, London, Paris, Brussels, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, or in the Barbados and Toulouse can testify.
« Chaque peinture est une trace, celle d’un passage, où la vie s’est laissée. Marque temporelle, elle contient le ressenti, la charge émotionnelle et/ou cérébrale de ce qu’il reste. »
« Each painting is a mark, that of a passage, where life decided to drop a bit of itself. This temporal mark holds in its core the feeling, the emotional and/or cerebral charge left behind. »
Guillaume Seff